As we age, we earn the right to walk away from some of the little details of life and let other people handle them for us. If you have a loved one who needs some help managing their finances, you don’t have to do it for them if you aren’t comfortable or if you don’t have the time. An elder care financial professional does more than just manage estate planning and long-term care issues. Bringing an elder care financial expert into your family’s team gives your elderly loved one total financial support and service, including:
- Management of day-to-day household finances and record keeping, including both bill payment and checkbook maintenance, as well as handling unexpected expenses from home repairs or medical issues.
- Deposit logging and tracking for social security checks, pensions and other incoming funds.
- Maintenance and protect of major assets like homes or collectibles.
- Retirement account reviews to both ensure that your loved one has the income they need while also ensuing compliance with distribution rules.
- Inventorying assets, investments and personal legal and financial documents.
- Cash flow management and protections to ensure that both short-term and long-term needs are addressed.
- Providing strategies for how to best use benefits under Social Security and Medicare, as well as how to leverage available pension funds.
- Assistance, in conjunction with a financial advisor, in how to design health, life and long-term insurance coverage portfolios to both provide better quality of life and lower overall costs.
- Management of all tax issues, including income taxes, trust returns and gift and estate tax returns.
- Care coordination and referrals for transportation, caregivers, and assisted living or skilled nursing facilities.
Unfortunately, aging isn’t always a simple process. An elder care financial professional can help your family’s elderly members enjoy better quality of life and more freedom. To learn more about how our trustworthy and professional team can help your entire family, please fill out the form below for an initial consultation.
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